GPS Receiver Manufacturers, System Integrators, Equipment Suppliers, and Service Providers
- AACE Industries
Manufacturers of precision GPS and GLONASS receivers, temperature-stabalized antennas, and other equipment.
- Aalto Technologies
Providers of GPS-based fleet management services.
Providers of real-time differential GPS service via FM subcarrier.
- Accupoint Inc.
Rental, sales, service, technical support, and training for surveying, mapping, marine, and recreational GPS applications and other surveying and construction needs.
- Acnodes Corporation
Manufacturers and suppliers of rack-mountable workstation components for industrial control, automation, and military applications.
Online retailer of GPS receivers and in-car navigation systems.
Developers of GPS-based vehicle tracking and communication systems.
- Advanced Research Corporation
Developers of the StarWatch Asset Location System.
- Advanced Tracking Technologies, Inc.
Developers of GPS-based fleet monitoring products.
- Adventure GPS Products
Suppliers of handheld GPS receibvers for the outdoor enthusiast.
- AerComTec International
Manufacutrers of a real-time GPS-based AVL system that communicates over cellular telephone networks.
- AeroAntenna Technology, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS antennas.
- AeroComm, Inc.
Developers of a GPS-based AVL radio system and a GPS to fibre-optic translator system.
- The Aerospace Corporation
Non-profit corporation providing research, systems engineering, and risk management support to the U.S. government. Major player in the development of GPS.
- Aero Telemetry
Developers of integrated GPS telemetry and AVL products.
Suppliers of GPS receivers for handheld, vehicle, marine, and aviation uses.
- Ag-Nav, Inc.
Suppliers of aerial application control equipment and navigational products.
- AirIQ
Developers of GPS-based vehicle tracking and control/monitoring systems for consumer and fleet applications.
- Ajax Systems Corp.
Manufacturers and suppliers of rack-mountable and ruggedized computers for industrial control, automation, and military applications.
- Aldacom GbmH
Developer and distributor of wireless components, including GSM modems/modules and GPS tracking systems. Rapid prototyping. Consulting.
- Alert Geomatics
Alert Geomatics, a division of Xeos Technologies Inc., focuses on precise position monitoring equipment for subsidence monitoring, structural monitoring as well as for science applications.
- Allen Osborne Associates, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Allied Signal Aerospace
Manufacturers of GPS receivers for aviation use.
GPS systems integrator for surveying and navigation and RTK software developer.
- Alpha Display Solutions, Inc.
Authorized dealer for Magellan GPS products.
- Alpha Micro Components Ltd.
Developers and distributors of electronic components, including GPS/GSM/GPRS equipment, for the telecommunications and other industries.
- AMC Inc. (AzTechSoft)
Developers of software for importing GPS receiver coordinates into AutoCad.
- AmeriCAD Systems, Inc.
Developers of vehicular navigation and location devices.
- American Technologies, Inc.
Developers of GPS-based vehicle tracking software and systems.
- Amtel Security Systems, Inc.
Developers and suppliers of GPS-based tracking and fleet management systems.
- Analog Devices, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Andrew Corporation
Manufacturers of fiber optic gyroscopes for land navigation systems.
- Applanix Corporation
Developers and manufacturers of systems for positioning and orientation of vehicles in dynamic environments.
- Arbiter Systems, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS-controlled clocks and frequency standards.
Provider of communications services, systems development and integration, systems engineering, and management services to the world's aviation community.
- ARKtime
Providers of GPS-based clocks and time servers.
- asb Systemhaus GmbH
Developers of GPS-based computer network time-synchronization software products.
- ASC Scientific
- Ashtech Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- ATON Systèmes
Manufacturers of tracking and navigation systems for automobiles, trucks, trains, and aircraft.
- @Road, Inc.
Developer and provider of GPS and Internet-based mobile intelligence services.
- @Track Commincations, Inc.
Suppliers of GPS-based tracking services.
- ATX Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers of the OnGuard Tracker integrated cellular/GPS vehicle monitoring and tracking systems.
- Auto Nav 2000 Plus, Inc.
Vendor of in-car GPS navigation systems.
- Avcan Global Systems Inc.
Developers of GPS applications software.
- Avionics West, Inc.
Vendor of GPS receivers and other avionics items.
- AVL Information Systems, Inc.
Developer and providers of GPS-based vehicle tracking systems and services.
- AVL Track

Providers of GPS-based vehicle tracking and fleet management systems and services.
- AvMap Satellite Navigation
Developers of GPS-based charting systems for land and aeronautical navigation.
- Axiom Navigation Inc.
Manufacturers of OEM GPS receivers, fleet management systems, and providers of custom product development services.
- Axonn, L.L.C.
Developers of GPS-based asset (cargo container, railcar or trailer) tracking system.
- BAE Systems Canada Inc. (now CMC Electronics Inc.)

Manufacturers of GPS receivers and systems for the aviation and surface transportation markets.
- BAE Systems Rokar International, Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers for military and demanding commercial applications.
- Badgett Industries Inc.
Developers of GPS-based automated vehicle locator systems.
- Baker GeoResearch, Inc.
Developer of GPS/GIS and GPS/AVL systems and provider of GPS/GIS mapping and consulting services.
- The BC GPS Store

British Columbia-based retail store and online supplier of Garmin GPS receivers and related equipment.
- Beacon Marine Security Ltd.

Developer and manufacturer of telematics solutions for tracking mobile assets.
- Beacon Wireless Europe
Developer and manufacturer of telematics solutions for tracking mobile assets.
- Benefon, Oyj
Manufacturers of GPS-equipped cellular telephones.
- Bernese GNSS Solutions
Providers of high accuracy GNSS data processing services.
- Best-Fit Computing
- BethelTronix, Inc.
Designers and manufacturers of GPS receiver chips.
- BigBrotherMe
Providers of tracking services for cell phones and GPS devices.
- Birds Eye Global Tracking, LLC
Providers of GPS tracking devices and services to law enforcement and correction agencies, private investigators, and fleet-management companies as well as special needs.
- BITRONICS, Inc. AVL Management Systems
- Bliley Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers of precision quartz crystal oscillators and frequency control products.
- Blue Planet Geomatics

Distributors of high-end, leading-edge GPS/GNSS equipment to public and private organizations in Canada, the UnitedStates and across global markets.
- Bluewater Security Professionals, LLC
Suppliers of GPS receivers for vehicle, asset, and equipment tracking and security consulting services.
- The Boeing Company
Designers and developers of GPS satellites.
- Borea SAS
Manufacturers of integrated low-power GPS/GSM devices.
- Borea SAS
Manufacturers of integrated low-power GPS/GSM devices.
- Borealis Precision Ltd.
Distributor of high-precision GNSS and GNSS/inertial position and orientation systems.
- Brandt Positioning Technology
Exclusive dealer for Topcon Positioning Systems in Western and Atlantic Canada providing end-to-end solutions to the survey, engineering, mapping, construction and mining sectors.
- The Brunton Company
Marketers of Silva GPS products in North America under the Brunton Nexus trademark.
- Byonics
Manufactures and sells a Rockwell Binary to NMEA 0183 converter which allows Delorme Earthmate and Sony SkyMap receivers to be used with any map package requiring NMEA data. Setences provided: $GPRMC, $GPGGA and $GPGSA.
- C & C Technologies, Inc.
Providers of worldwide satellite-delivered DGPS service.
- California Eastern Laboratories
Suppliers of low-noise amplifiers and other semiconductors.
- Caliper Corp.
Developers of GIS software for desktop mapping and spatial analysis.
- Canadian Marconi Company (now CMC Electronics Inc.)

Manufacturers of GPS receivers and systems for the aviation and surface transportation markets.
- Canal Geomatics Inc.

Distributor of GPS positioning and wireless products.
- CANSEL - Canadian Survey Equipment

Supplier of GPS, surveying and mapping, and associated equipment.
- Car Audio & Security Ltd.
Supplier of car satellite navigation products.
- Casanova's Outdoor Adventure Store
Suppliers of recreational GPS receivers.
- CAST Navigation, LLC
Developers of GPS satellite simulation products.
- Cemtek Com, Inc.
Providers of GPS tracking technology using satellite and cellular communications modes.
- Certatim Digital Agency
Providers of Crow Tracker, GPS fleet tracking through software and mobile applications.
- CharterNav...GPS Location and Timing Ltd.
Irish suppliers of GPS hardware, software consultation, and technical support.
- Chassis Plans
Manufacturers of rugged rackmount computer systems for industrial and military environments.
- Childtrac Canada Inc.

Providers of the Childtrac Personal GPS System for personal tracking.
- Citimarine Store
Suppliers of GPS receivers and auxiliary equipment.
- Clayton Communications, Inc.
Developers of GPS-based tracking devices, one-button emergency GPS cellular telephones, and providers of tracking, emergency, and non-emergency assistance services.
- ClearPathGPS, Inc.
Providers of live GPS vehicle tracking systems for businesses.
- CloserWorlds
Mobile solution provider integrating GPS, the Internet and GIS. Solutions for vehicle tracking, telematics, SCADA, and remote data acquisition.
- C-Map USA
Designers and manufacturers of electronic charts.
- CMC Electronics Inc.

Manufacturers of GPS receivers and systems for the aviation and surface transportation markets.
- Cobra Electronics Corp.
Manufacturers of handheld GPS receivers.
- CommLinx Solutions Pty. Ltd.
Australian GPS and embedded systems integrator and supplier of Laipac range of OEM GPS products and accessories.
- CompassCom, Inc.
Colorado-based provider of products, services, training, and support for GPS solutions in GIS and AVL applications.
- Computer Explorations, Inc.
Developers of computer simulations with real-world data added via GPS.
- CompuTracker Corporation
Developers of GPS-based vehicle data logging and real-time tracking systems.
- Conexant Systems, Inc. (formerly Rockwell Semiconductor Systems)
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets and receivers.
- Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Dealer for Leica Geosystems AG.
- Connectec Electronics Co. Ltd.
Manufacturers of OEM GPS modules, GPS receivers, and GPS/GPRS/GSM trackers.
- Constell, Inc.
Developers of simulation software tools for GPS, GLONASS, and other satellite constellations.
- Core Systems
Designs and develops rugged computers and LCD displays used in the capture of GPS/GIS data.
- Corvallis MicroTechnology, Inc. (CMT)
Manufacturers of rugged GPS/GIS data collectors.
- Criticom International
Providers of GPS-based tracking services, providing emergency and priority dispatch management of response services to mobile persons, vehicles, or other assets.
- CSE Computronics Ltd.
Manufacturer, vendor, and deployer of DGPS survey and remote telemetry equipment.
- CSL CommTech Ltd.
Suppliers of GPS equipment and peripherals.
- Ctrack
U.K. provider of vehicle tracking and resource management services.
- Dan Bobyn Engineering Ltd.

Provides RF engineering services including GPS applications.
- Datachron, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS-based time and frequency products.
- Datalink International, Inc.
Developers of GPS-based tracking and fleet monitoring systems for use with cellular digital packet data (CDPD) and other wireless networks.
- Datum Inc.
- DCS Corp.
Developers of GPS-based systems for automated vehicle location, fleet management, information retrieval, and operations centers for military and civilian applications.
- George E. Delahay & Son
Distributors of GPS receivers for sport aviators.
- Del Norte Technology Inc.
- DeLorme Mapping
Developers of GPS-interfaced CD-ROM-based mapping products.
- Delta Microwave
Suppliers of low-noise amplifiers and other semiconductors.
- Destinator Technologies Inc.

Developers of navigation software systems for PDAs, mobile phones, and other devices.
- Differential Corrections Inc. (DCI)
- DigiCore Ltd.
Developers and providers of end-to-end vehicle tracking and fleet management solutions.
- Digital Instruments S.r.l.
Developers and manufacturers of GPS-based time and frequency synchronization equipment.

Edmonton GPS shop and online retailer of Garmin GPS receivers and accessories.
- Dorne & Margolin, Inc. (see EDO Corp.)
Manufacturers of antennas for GPS receivers.
Manufacturers of GPS/GNSS equipment for land and marine surveying and navigation.
- Dynamic Sounds Ltd.
Distributors of car navigation systems.
- DynaNav Systems Inc.

Developers of GPS/GLONASS in-aircraft guidance and mapping systems for the agricultural, forestry, and seismic industries.
- Eagle Electronics
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Eastman Kodak Company, Scientific Imaging Sysetms
Developer and supplier of GPS-enabled digital cameras.
- EBWISE Technology Corporation
Manufacturers of Bluetooth-enabled and wired-connection GPS receivers.
- EDO Corporation
Manufacturers of antennas for GPS receivers.
- ELIRIS (Earth, Land and Integrated Resources Information Systems) Inc.
- Elm Technologies Ltd.

Canadian distributor of Trimble Navigation GPS solutions for fleet management products and services.
- Emerson & Cuming Microwave Products
Manufacturer of absorbing, shielding and specialty dielectric materials for the wireless communication, consumer electronics, biomedical, automotive, and military markets.
- Emlid Ltd.
Manufacturer of affordable RTK GNSS receivers.
- EMTAC Technology Corp.
Manufacturer of SiRF-chip-based GPS receiver boards and modules.
- EndRun Technologies
Manufacturers of GPS-based precision time and frequency products.
- Enigma Vehicle Systems
Supplier of vehicle tracking and fleet management systems using GPS technology and GSM/GPRS wireless communications.
- Enuvis
Developers of assisted-GPS technology.
- Environmental Studies
Distrubutors of GPS tracking equipment for wildlife.
- EnviroTrac Technologies
Developer and manufacturer of GPS-based vehicle tracking products and systems.
- Eos Positioning Systems Inc.
Designers and manufacturers of Bluetooth sub-metre GPS / GNSS and RTK receivers for iOS, Android, and Windows.
Manufacturers of GPS-based master clocks for the broadcast, 9-1-1, and military marketplaces.
- Etak, Inc. (see Tele Atlas)
- ETE, Inc.
- E-tronic
Austrian developers of GPS-based vehicle tracking systems.
- Everest Geodetics
Canadian suppliers of GPS surveying and consulting services.
- EverMore Technology Inc.
Manufacturer of GPS chip sets and receiver modules.
- Evertrac, Inc.
Supplier of location-aware e-business solutions.
- Expert Market
Providers of GPS vehicle tracking devices.
E-tailer of Garmin GPS receivers and accessories.
- Eye4Software B.V.
Developers of GPS mapping software, coordinate-conversion software, and GPS developer tools.
- Falcom Wireless Communications GmbH
Designs, engineers and manufactures various GPS products, including GPS modules, GPS+GSM/GPRS modules, and other OEM/ODM products related to GPS and wireless communication.
- FarmerGPS
Developers of agricultural GPS guidance products.
- Fastrax Oy
Developers of compact GPS receiver modules for embedded solutions.
- Faucon Robotique
Developers of GSM-based GPS tracking systems.
- Fibersense Technology Corporation
Designs and manufactures precision navigation systems based on fibre optic gyros integrated with GPS.
- FieldWorker Products Limited

- Filanda Inc.

SoftNav Products division provides software and hardware solutions for navigation, data recording, and other aeronautical applications.
- FindWare
Supplier of GPS-based vehicle, personal, and child tracking solutions.
- Fischer Connectors SA
Designers, manufacturers, and distributors of high performance circular connectors and cable assembly solutions.
- FleetBoss
Developers of GPS-based vehicle tracking systems.
- Fleetilla, Inc.
Providers of GPS-based integrated fleet tracking and communication products and services.
- Fleet Management Solutions
Markets and deploys wireless communications solutions and automatic vehicle location services for the transportation industry.
- FleetMatics Fleet Tracking
Providers of GPS-based fleet tracking solutions.
- FleetOnline (Teydo BV)
Providers of economical Web-accessed GPS+GSM-based tracking solutions.
- Followit AB
Developers of GPS- and cellular-based tracking systems.
- Fortuna Electronic Corp.
Manufacturers of SiRF-chipset-based GPS receivers.
- FreeFlight Systems
Manufacturers of GPS navigation systems for business and commuter aircraft.
- Fugro Starfix (Europe) AS
Providers of global differential GPS corrections via the Inmarsat satellites.
- Fugro N.V.
Providers of geotechnical, surveying, land positioning, and environmental services.
- Galileo Satellite Navigation Ltd.
Developers of GNSS receivers, simulators, and indoor navigation infrastructure.
- Galleon Systems Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS-based time-synchronization products.
- Garmin International
Designs, produces, and markets GPS receivers.
- Gemini Positioning Systems Ltd.

Canadian distributor of Ashtech GPS receivers.
- GENEQ Inc.

Distributor of GPS receivers for navigation, vehicle tracking, surveying, and mapping.
- GENISYS Research & Development, Inc.
Manufacturers of the ACCUPHOTO line of GPS products for aerial photography applications.
- GEOCOMtms, Inc.

Providers of fleet management software, including GPS tracking.
- GeoDiscovery Division of Madison River Technologies, Inc.
Developers of location-based products and services including a GPS receiver module for Handspring Visor PDAs.
- GeoLine Positioning Systems, Inc.
Sales, service, training, lease, and rentals of GPS receivers and other surveying equipment.
- Geometrix as
Manufacturers of DGPS marine radiobeaon receivers.
- GeoMicro, Inc.
Providers of mapping, routing, spatial searching, location and traffic technologies to telcom operators, enterprise clients and application developers and the Mobium navigation software for Windows Mobile devices.
- Geo++ GmbH
Developers of GNSS software, GNSS reference stations, and RTK systems.
- GEOsat, Gesellschaft für satellitennutzende Vermessung mbH
Providers of hardware and software for GPS surveying and mapping.
- GeoSpatial Solutions Pty. Ltd.
Developers of MapPad, GPS-based moving map display software for the Apple Newton.
- GEOSurv, Inc.

Providers of GPS software and integrated systems including GeoLab, Flykin and Semikin for Windows, GPS Photogrammetry Solution, and GEO'corder.
- Geotab Inc.

Providers of fleet management and vehicle tracking technology.
- GEO-3D inc.

Providers of mobile mapping solutions based on GPS and other positioning and imaging technologies.
- Geotronics AB
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Géosystèmes Inc.
A geomatics company specializing in computer-assisted cartography and GPS positioning.
- Gigatron Associates Limited

Canadian supplier of microwave products including Mini-Circuits components.
- GLB Wireless Data Systems
Manufacturers of modems and radio modems for DGPS and other applications.
- Global Fleet Management

Providers of a GPS-based tracking service for vehicles and assets.
- Global Locate, Inc.
Developers of solutions for using GPS indoors with cellular telephone technology.
- Global Simulation Systems Limited
Manufacturers of GPS simulators for design, evaluation, and integration of GPS products.
- Global Tracking Communications, Inc.
Suppliers of GPS-based vehicle tracking systems for truck fleet management.
- Global Tracking Solutions, Ltd.
Developers of GPS/GIS safety and security tracking systems.
- GNSS Solutions Ltd.
GNSS tutorials/seminars, consulting, and expert legal services.
- Go Fleet Corp.

Providers of fleet management capabilities using innovative telematics and dispatch solutions.
- GPS Applications, LLC
Suppliers of GPS receivers, tracking equipment, software, and accessories.
- GPS Central

Calgary shop and on-line retailer of Garmin GPS receivers and accessories.
- GPS City (formerly Imagine GPS Ltd.)
Vendor of GPS receivers, accessories, software and DGPS services.
- GPS Crazy, Inc.
Vendor of handheld and automotive GPS products.
- GPS Drawing
Developers of GPS drawings on water, over land, and in the air and software to visualize such drawings.
- GPServ, Inc.
Florida-based supplier of Trimble Survey and Mapping/GIS GPS systems.
- GPS Fleet Sales, Inc.
Providers of GPS-based fleet tracking equipment and services.
- GPSFlight
Manufacturers of GPS-based licence-free tracking systems.
European-based provider of hardware and software for GPS-based fleet tracking.
- GPS-Home
Distributors of Garmin vehicle and hand-held GPS receivers and accessories.
- GPSmart

Distributors of automotive, marine, and recreational GPS receievers.
- GPS Networking, Inc. (formerly WR, Inc.)
Manufacturers of signal splitters, amplifiers, and re-radiating kits specifically designed for L1/L2 GPS and GLONASS use and other GPS accessories and prototyping.
- GPS North America
Provider of integrated fleet management and asset tracking solutions.
- GPS Police Inc.
Developers of GPS security and fleet-management systems.
- GPS Shop (GPS Satellite Surveys Pty. Ltd.)
Australian vendor of GPS receivers.
- GPSoft LLC
Developers of GPS and GLONASS simulation software tools.
- GPS Online
Developers of telematics, fleet management, and mobile computing solutions.
- GPS Outfitters Inc.
Producers of "how to" GPS videos, manufacturers of GPS accessories, and distributors of GPS antennas.
- GPS Pursuit

Developers of GPS/cellular-based vehicle tracking and locating systems.
- GPS Source, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS signal distribution and re-transmission products including amplifiers, splitters, and antennas. Also provides design services for GPS/GNSS infrastructure.
- The GPS Warehouse
United Kingdom-based suppliers of GPS equipment.
- GPSX Ltd.
United Kingdom-based suppliers of portable GPS systems for automotive and recreational activities.
- GPS Zone
Retailers of hand-held GPS receivers and accessories.
- The Great All Outdoors Trading Company
Vendor of handheld GPS receivers.
- Greenfield Associates
Consulting and engineering company specialising in GPS and DGPS commercial product development.
- Grey Island Systems International Inc.

Provider of advanced, real-time Internet-based GPS/AVL and telematics information systems. Solutions are marketed under the InterFleet and NextBus brands.
- Groupe BCI
Developers of automobile navigation systems.
- GSE, Inc.
Developers of a GPS-cellular-based vehicle monitoring and tracking system.
- GuardianLion
Developers of a GPS panic button device.
- Guardian Mobility Corporation

Providers of GPS- and GSM-based vehicle guard, monitoring and navigation systems.
- (Zelta Alksnis)
Developer of location-aware wireless data communications platforms for monitoring and tracking people and assets.
- HABIT Research Ltd.

Manufacturers of animal tracking equipment based on GPS and other technologies.
- Haicom Holland
Dutch distributor of Haicom GPS receivers and accessories.
- Halltech Environmental/Exploration Outfitters

GPS application specialists and supplier of GPS receivers from a large range of manufacturers.
- Hamilton Global Management, Ltd.
Developers of TracWise GPS-based tracking system for commercial vehicles.
- Hans Trautenberg Software Consulting
GPS Consulting and supplier of cables and connectors for Garmin receivers.
- Helenav
European distributor for Tri-M's "Mighty Mouse" range of GPS antennas.
- Hemisphere GPS (formerly CSI Wireless Inc.)

Designs, develops, and manufactures precision commercial and industrial GPS systems for a variety of global markets.
- Hixon Manufacturing and Supply Company
Manufacturers of surveying equipment and suppliers of GPS receivers for the surveying and recreation markets.
- Horita Company
Manufacturers of GPS-based SMPTE time code equipment.
- Holst-Webster Enterprises
GPS and DGPS consulting and software services.
- Holux-UK
GPS receiver manufacturer.
- Honeywell Commercial Aviation Systems
Manufacturers of avionics systems.
- hopf Elektronik GmbH
Manufacturers of GPS-controlled clocks.
- Horizons Technology, Inc.
- Horsodan Elektronik A/S
Danish supplier of GPS receivers and software for marine applications.
- Horyzont-KPG Ltd.
Polish supplier of GPS services.
- Houston Geoscan, Inc.
Providers of navigation, positioning, and survey quality control software and processing.
- HunterPro
Developers of GPS- and cellular-based tracking and security systems.
- Hydrografix Overseas Consultancy Service.
- Hyperdyne Inc.
Developers of GIS- and GPS-related products.
Vendor of Garmin automobile, handheld, and wearable GPS receivers.
- II Morrow Inc.
Manufacturers of Apollo GPS receivers for the aviation industry.
- Inmarsat
The International Mobile Satellite Organization. Operators of satellite system for global, mobile communications and navigation services.
- Innovative Technologies
Reseller of Trimble AGgps, Omnistar, and Starlink products and developers of a Parallel Swath Guidance System.
- INSTOCK Wireless Components
Design, manufacture, and sell RF power dividers, combiners, and GPS/GNSS splitters.
- Instrument Sales
Sales, service, and rentals of GPS equipment for land surveying.
- IntegriNautics Corporation
Developers of high precision positioning architecture solutions (pseudolites) for aeronautical, agricultural, and many other precision systems applications, including manufacturing, land vehicles, and machine control.
- Intelligent Databases International Ltd.
Database development and consulting services for IVHS navigation and location.
- Intelligent Mechatronic Systems Inc.

Providers of GPS vehicle and fleet tracking systems.
- Intermetrics, Inc.
- InterTrak Tracking Services L.L.C.
Vendor of custom telematics location products and services catering to automobile dealer networks, transportation fleets and mobile electronics retailers.
- InTouch MVC
Manufacturer and supplier of GPS vehicle tracking devices and supplier of tracking services.
- Intuicom, Inc.
Providers of wireless data network products for real-time GPS positioning and navigation.
- Intuitive Circuits, LLC
Manufacturers of GPS video overlay systems.
- The Invisible Monitor
Providers of Web-based boat and vehicle monitoring and tracking service using GPS. (See also Amtel Security Systems, Inc.)
- iSECUREtrac Corporation
Builds and supports advanced tracking systems for monitoring and locating people, vehicles and assets.
Providers of a service to locate and protect a GPS-equipped cell phone.
- I-Tech Company
Supplier of industrial and military rackmount TFT LCD monitors, flat panels, keyboards, and KVM (keyboard/video/mouse) swtiches.
Suppliers of portable GPS receivers for aviation use.
- James Associates
Vendors of Garmin GPS receivers and MacGPS software for using a Macintosh with Garmin receivers.
- Japan Radio Company, Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Javad Positioning Systems
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- JCA Technology, Inc.
Manufacturers of low noise amplifiers.
- Jensen's Catalog Sales
Suppliers of Magellan handheld GPS receivers.
- John E. Chance & Associates, Inc.
- JRC Canada, Inc.

Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Juniper Systems
Providers of integrated hardware/software DGPS systems for natural resource and land management.
- Just SoftWorks, Inc.
Developers of precision mapping software products.
- Kenwood Communications Corp.
Manufacturers of mobile communications equipment and GPS-based automatic vehicle location devices.
- Knauff and Grove Soaring Supplies
Vendor of GPS receivers and accessories for soaring enthusiasts.
- Knook Electronic Systems
Developers of GPS-integrated tracking and navigation systems.
- KTrack Inc.

Providers of vehicle, asset, and personal tracking services as well as fleet management.
- KVH Industries, Inc.
- K&L Agri Sales, Inc.
- K&L Microwave, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS bandpass filters.
- Laipac Technology Inc.

Manufacturers of GPS and GPS/GLONASS receivers for the OEM market.
- Lambda Tech International, Inc.
- LandAirSea Systems, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS trackers for vehicle and fleet tracking and providers of GSM-based tracking services.
- Lap-Tech Inc.

Manufacturer of quartz resonators for the frequency-control industry.
- Larson Systems, LLC
Developers of GPS-based precision agriculture systems.
- L.A.S. Systems, Inc.
Developers of GPS systems integration products.
- LaunchPath Technologies
Developers and manufacturers of GPS and Internet-based tracking software and systems.
- Leadtek Research Inc.
Manufacturers of SiRF-based GPS receivers.
- Leica Geosystems AG
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Leica Geosystems AG (North America)
Leica GPS support services.
- Liikkuva Systems International, Inc. (LSI)
Developers of land navigation software and GPS system integrators.
- Location Tech, Inc.
Providers of GPS-based location services.
- Location Technologies
Providers of GPS-based vehicle tracking systems to the public safety and commercial fleet markets.
- Lockhed Martin Space Systems, Missiles & Space Operations
Designers and developers of GPS satellites.
- LocSense Technology Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receiver modules.
- Looket SysOnChip America
Manufacturers of GPS receivers using Bluetooth and Compact Flash with built-in memory and all-in-one GPS portable navigation devices.
- Lotek Engineering Inc.

Developers of GPS-based animal tracking equipment.
Suppliers of car navigation equipment in U.K.
- Lowe Electronics Ltd.
Suppliers of GPS remote antennas.
- Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Lumax International Corp., Ltd.
Developers of GPS- and GPRS-based vehicle monitoring and tracking systems.
- Maestro Wireless Solutions
Manufacturers of GPS modules based on CSR's SiRF chipset series.
- Magellan Systems Corp.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Magnatec Technologie GmbH
Manufacturers of GPS- and GSM-based AVL systems.
- Manifold Net. Ltd.
Developers of GIS and GPS data collection software.
- Manning NavComp
Developers of GPS tracking software using raster image files.
- Mappoint Asia
Suppliers of vehicle tracking systems, maps, and software for south-east Asia.
- Maptech, Inc.
Supplier of digital land, marine and aeronautical map data and software.
- Maptrails, Inc.
Producers of GPS-interfaced interactive topographic mapping software and guides.
- Maptuit Corp.
Supplier of wireline and wireles Internet location-based services.
- Marass KEG, Ing.
Developers of GPS-based vehicle navigation systems.
- Marfor Equipment Ltd.
Suppliers of GPS receivers and related products to the forestry, horticultural, and agricultural industries.
- Masterclock, Inc. (formerly W Clark & Associates, Ltd.)
Manufacturers of GPS-driven time code generators and other time synchronisation products.
- Mathew Vangel and Associates
Authorized dealer for Garmin GPS receivers.
- Mathew Vangel and Associates
Authorized dealer for Garmin GPS receivers.
- Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Megapulse, Inc.
Turnkey supplier of navigation systems.
- Meinberg Funkuhren
Manufacturers of GPS receivers for time and frequency synchronization.
- Mentor Engineering Inc.

Designs and builds wireless data communication and mobile computing/AVL solutions for fleet operations.
- Mercator, Inc.
Houston-based GPS rental and sales company.
- Mezure
Developer of real-time structural heath monitoring systems combining dual-frequency GPS, wireless networks and the Internet.
- Microhard Systems Inc.

Designers and manufacturers of industrial spread spectrum serial and ethernet products which operate in the 902-928MHz and 2.4000-2.4835GHz ISM bands.
- Micronics GPS
Manufacturer of wearable GPS units for GIS and surveying as well as high performance GPS equipment for exploration, machine control, agriculture, military, forestry, and local government.
- Micro Pulse, Inc.
Manufacturer of GPS antennas.
- Microsearch Corporation
Consulting and state-of-the-art Windows software for GPS surveying and geodetic applications.
- MicroTRAKgps, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS/GPRS-based tracking systems and providers of tracking services.

Suppliers of GPS receivers and mapping software for laptop and PDA navigation.
- Mini-Circuits
Manufacturers of power splitters, amplifiers, and other RF/IF modules.
- Mitel Semiconductor (formerly GEC Plessey Semiconductors)

Manufacturers of GPS receiver chip sets.
- MIxpertS Inc.
Developers of GPS-based tracking and mapping software.
- MMD Components
Manufacturers of crystals and oscillators for GPS receivers and other applications.
- MOBA Mobile Automation AG
Suppliers of GPS-based 3D-control systems for the construction industry.
- Mobile GPS Online

Providers of GPS hardware and software for mobile GPS applications.
- Mobile Knowledge, Inc.

Developers of GPS, wireless, and mobile communications technology for fleet management.
- mobileworld trackyou ltd.
U.K.-based provider of vehicle tracking services.
- Motorola, Inc.
Developers and manufacturers of GPS receivers and antennas.
- MPN Components
Mapping, surveying, and outdoor-recreation GPS products.
- MSLocation Oy
Mobile Location Systems and Services.
- µ-blox AG
See u-blox.
- Nathan Telecom Ltd.
Developers of mobile radio and data communications products including DGPS systems and services.
- National Computer Solutions
Suppliers of equipment racks, rack-mounted displays and keyboards, and other peripherals.
- National Products Inc.
Manufacturers of RAM Mounting Systems - rugged mounts and docking cradles for handheld GPS receivers and other devices.
- National Scientific Corporation
Manufacturers of GPS-based tracking and location devices.
- NavCity
London-based online store supplying an extensive range of GPS products and accessories for recreational, automotive, marine, and aviation use.
- NavCom Technology Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers and related equipment and providers of differential GPS services.
- Navigation Data Systems, Inc.
Providers of GPS-based automatic vehicle location and tracking, mobile data, and computer-aided dispatch systems for transit, delivery, field service, public safety, u tilities, and security.
- Navigation Electronics, Inc.
Dealer for Trimble GPS systems and supplies.
- Navionics
Developers of seamless electronic charts.
- Navitrak International Corp.

Developers and manufacturers of GPS-based mapping and imaging technology for navigation and data collection.
- NavLynx Technologies Inc.
Telematics wireless applications service provider.
- Navman
Manufacturers of GPS OEM modules, GPS receivers, and GPS navigation systems.
- NavSim Technology Inc.

Developer and supplier of GPS navigation software for Windows and Pocket PC PDAs, topographic maps, and marine charts.
- Navstar Systems Ltd. (NavSymm)
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- NavSync
Manufacturers of high sensitivity GPS receiver chip sets and modules for the OEM marketplace.
- NAVSYS Corporation
Developers of GPS products including GPS simulation software tools.
- Navtech Seminars and GPS Supply, Inc.
Offering GPS seminars, books, receivers, and related-products.
- Navteq
Provider of digital maps for vehicle navigation and location-based solutions.
- NCS International Inc.
Providers of GPS and other navigation products, services, and support to the marine exploration, construction, and engineering industries. A RACAL company.
- NEC Electronics Corp.
Manufacturers of GPS integrated circuits.
- NemeriX, SA
Fabless semiconductor company, based near Lugano in Switzerland, specializing in the design and development of low power, high performance integrated circuits for GPS receivers.
- NetAcquire Corporation
Manufacturers of GPS-based time servers.
- Networkcar
Providers of comprehensive, real-time automotive diagnostic data and satellite-based location services to dealers, car owners, fleets, OEMs, and other vehicle data users.
- Neve ITS
Manufacturers of augmented GPS navigation and positioning equipment.
- Neville Crosby Inc.
- New Development Ltd.
Providers of GPS-based fleet tracking systems with driver-behaviour monitoring.
- NexTraq
Providers of GPS fleet tracking solutions for the telematics industry.
- Nexus Mobile Tracking
Suppliers of active and passive mobile tracking devices.
- Nobeltec Corporation
- NordNav Technologies AB
Developers of Galileo and GPS software receiver technology for complete real-time receivers and licensing of software receiver application programming interface.
- North Coast Resource Management
GPS education and sales.
- Northport Systems Inc.
Developers of Fugawi moving map software
- Northstar Technologies
Division of Canadian Marconi Company manufacturing GPS receivers.
- North Valley Land & Timber (NVLT)
Suppliers of Magellan, Garmin, and Corvallis Microtechnology GPS receivers.
- Novacom Microwave Ltd.
U.K. supplier of GPS-based timing systems for computer networks, utilities, and other applications.
- NovAtel Inc.

Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Novotech Technologies Corporation

North American distributor for Trimble navigation embedded products and Trim Tracs and SonyEricsson cellular data modems.
- Novus Power Products
Manufacturers of OCXO, rubidium, and GPS-locked frequency reference products.
- NPI (National Products Inc.)
Manufacturers of RAM (Round-A-Mount) ball-and-socket mounts for GPS receivers.
- NSH Techlogistics Ltd.
U.K. manufacturers of GPS/GPRS-based tracking systems and providers of tracking services.
- NTXlogic
Developers of GPS and Internet-based tracking software and systems, fleet management systems, and providers of custom product development services.
- Omnilink Systems
Providers of vital status services for people or moveable assets using GPS and other technologies.
- Omnistar, Inc.
Providers of wide-area differential GPS service in North America.
- One Track, Inc.
Providers of GPS-based fleet tracking systems++.
- OnStar Corp.
General Motors' GPS and cellular-based in-vehicle security, communications, navigation, and diagnostics system.
- Orion Dynamics and Control, Inc.
Developers of GNSS simulation software tools.
- Outland Technology Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS video overlay systems.
- Paccomm Packet Radio Systems, Inc.
Manufacturers of radio modems and GPS-based tracking systems.
- Pacific Crest Corporation
Manufacturers of VHF and UHF radio modems for DGPS.
- Paroscientific, Inc.
Manufacturers of meteorological measurement systems for GPS meteorology, environmental monitoring, and other applications.
- Parthus
GPS chip designers.
- PCI Enterprises Inc.
- Pelorus Navigation Systems, Inc.

Suppliers of DGPS SCAT-I ground stations.
- Phantom Tracking Systems
Providers of GPS fleet and personal tracking services.
- Philips Car Systems (Royal Philips Electronics) / Mannessman VDO
Manufacturers of the Carin navigation system.
- Philips Semiconductors (Royal Philips Electronics)
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Philsar Electronics Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receiver RF front-end chips.
- PinPoint Tracking Systems, Ltd.
Developers and manufacturers of covert GPS surveillance systems.
- Polstar Technologies, Inc.
Dedicated manufacturer of GPS receivers and all-in-one navigators.
- PowerLOC Technologies Inc.

Develops and produces enabling technologies and products for the emerging L-Biz (L-Commerce) industry.
- Prairie Geomatics Ltd.

Suppliers of Garmin and Magellan GPS receivers and accessories and custom DGPS systems.
- Precision Navigation/CSL CommTech Ltd.
- Premier GPS Inc.

Suppliers of GPS receivers and tracking equipment and services.
- Prolificx
Providers of a range of GPS and satellite vehicle tracking devices for trucks and other commercial vehicles. An Imarda Inc. company.
- Proscan
Division of Warsaw-based Procar manufacturing antennas for GPS navigation and tracking.
- Pro Tech Monitoring, Inc.
Developers of GPS-based portable tracking devices for the criminal justice system.
- Protos Comunicaciones
Developers and manufacturers of GPS-based vehicle tracking devices and systems.
- Pulsearch Navigation Systems Inc.

PNS is a geomatics engineering company specialising is assessing and developing GPS-based mobile information and navigation systems.
- Pyramid Communications
Manufacturers of GPS-based automatic vehicle location products.
- Qstarz International Co., Ltd.
Manufacturers of Bluetooth GPS receivers.
- Quality Positioning Services bv
Developers of software for positioning and navigation including a real-time integrated navigation system and providers of navigation services.
- Quartix Ltd.
Supplier of internet-based vehicle tracking systems using GPS and GSM technology.
- QSI Corp.
- Racal Avionics Limited
Manufacturers of avionics systems.
- Racal Survey Australia Limited
Suppliers of offshore positioning, geophysical, and Racal LandStar satellite-based DGPS services in Australia.
- Racal Survey USA Inc.
Suppliers of Racal LandStar satellite-based DGPS service in North America.
- RackmountNet (JAF International, Inc.)
Suppliers of equipment racks, accessories, and rackmount PCs and peripherals.
- (Synergy Global Inc.)
Suppliers of equipment racks, accessories, and rackmount PCs and peripherals.
- RACO Industries, Inc. (GPS Solutions Divison)
Vehicle and mobile asset location and tracking devices and services.
- Radio Satellite Corporation
- Radio Satellite Integrators, Inc. (RSI)
Designs, manufactures, and markets integrated systems for automatic vehicle location (AVL) and object tracking utilizing GPS.
- RadioShack Corp.
Retailers of hand-held GPS receivers and GPS-based vehicle locator/communicator.
- Rainbow Gold Enterprise
Web retailer of electronic products including consumer GPS receivers.
- Raveon Technologies Corporation
Developers of the RavTrack vehicle tracking system.
- Rayming Corp.
Developers, manufacturers, and distributors of GPS receivers.
- Raytheon E-Systems
Developers of DGPS SCAT-I ground stations and GPS vehicle tracking systems.
- RDI Computer Corp.
- (AxTech AB)
Developers of GPS-based tracking and vehicle security systems.
- Remote Asset Management Ltd.
Providers of GPS-based vehicle tracking services in U.K.
- Rentec International Inc.
- RESON, Inc.
- Resource Industry Associates
Developers of MapPad, digital maaping software for the Apple Newton.
- Rewire Security
Manufacturers and suppliers of real-time GPS tracking devices and GPSLive – cloud-based, real-time GPS tracking software.
- RF Globalnet
Internet engineering and business center for the microwave industries featuring articles, books, product data sheets, on-line courses, and job postings.
- RF Micro Devices
Manufacturers of GPS chipsets and receivers.
- Road Warrior Outpost
- Rockwell International Corp.
- Rockwell Collins, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Rogers Industries, LLC
Developers, manufacturers, and system integrators for vehicular navigation, location, and tracking software and systems.
- Round Solutions Ltd.
Designers, manufacturers, and distributors of GSM-GPRS telematics hardware.
- RoyalTek Co. Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- SANjose NAVigation, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers and antennas.
- Sarantel, Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS antennas.
- Satellite Tracking of People (STOP) LLC
Providers of GPS tracking systems and services to corrections and law enforcement agencies.
- Satloc, Inc.
Providers of L-band satellite-delivered WADGPS correction service.
- Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Providers of planning and technology implementation for GPS.
- Sea Information Systems (SIS) Ltd.
Developers of Microplot, a PC-based integrated navigation tool.
- SeaViewer Cameras, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS video overlay units.
- Secugis HiTech Corp.
Designs, manufactures, and markets GPS-based location and tracking devices for personal and vehicle uses.
- Security Concepts
Manufacturers of GPS tracking equipment.
- Septentrio NV
OEM provider of high-precision dual-frequency GPS/GLONASS/EGNOS/WAAS chipsets and receivers.
- Sextant Avionique (now Thales Avionics)
Manufacturers of GPS receivers for aviation use.
- Shanghai Queclink Wireless Solutions Co., Ltd.
Designs and manufactures various GPS/GSM trackers for fleet management and vehicle, asset, and personal tracking.
- Shenzhen Xexun Technology Co., Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS/GSM trackers for tracking and protecting vehicles, goods, children, pets, etc.
- Siemens Automotive
- SiGEM Inc.

See Mobile Knowldege, Inc.
- SiGe Semiconductor, Inc.

Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Sigtec Navigation Pty. Ltd. (Signav)
Manufacturers of GPS modules.
- Silva Group
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- SiRF Technology, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Sirius Technologies

Distributors of location-based GPS and wireless modem solutions for automotive, fleet, and asset management.
- S!TE Manufacturing, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS/GIS and conventional land survey equipment accessories.
- SkyDec B.V.
Developer and supplier of military hardware and software with a special focus on navigation and communication.
- Skyforce Avionics Ltd.
Developers of SkyMap, a GPS moving map product for aviators.
- SkyHawke Technologies, LLC
Developers of SkyGolf GPS, a GPS product for golfers.
- SmartTrack
Vehicle dispatch, tracking, and monitoring. An Imarda Inc. company.
- SnapTrack, Inc.
Developers of cellular-telephone-based GPS positioning technology.
- Socket Communications, Inc.
Manufacturers of Bluetooth-enabled GPS receivers and accessories.
- Soft Nav Ltd.
Russian developers of avionics systems with emphasis on GPS/GLONASS technology.
- Softree Technical Systems Inc.
Developers of surveying, mapping and engineering software for the natural resources industries.
- Sokkia Co., Ltd.
Distributors of GPS equipment manufactured by Point, Inc. for the surveying, mapping, and construction industries.
- Solara Remote Data Delivery Inc.

Manufacturers of rugged hendheld Iridium satellite GPS-tracking units.
- Sony Corporation
Manufacturers of GPS chip sets.
- Sorensen's Computer Connection, Inc.
Providers of customized GPS-based tracking, agricultural, and recreational solutions.
- Southeastern Reprographics Inc.
Developers of systems combining GPS and laser rangefinders.
- Spectracom Corporation
Designers and manufacturers of GPS-based legally-traceable time synchronization and frequency standards for public safety, commercial, industrial, and government applications.
- Spectra Precision Terrasat GmbH
Developers of software for processing GNSS data, reference station monitoring, and other GNSS-data-related tasks.
- Spectrum
Manufacturers of GPS video overlay equipment.
- Spectrum Instruments, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS-based time and frequency standards.
- Spirent Federal Systems, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS, GLONASS, and SBAS satellite simulation products.
- SPIRIT Corp.
Developers of GPS and GLONASS software and receiver hardware designs for licensing.
- S.P.K. Electronics Co., Ltd.
Manufacturers and distributors of components for OEM GPS receivers.
- Starcom Systems Ltd.
Providers of GPS fleet tracking systems and services.
- Starlink Inc.
Suppliers of DGPS Products.
- Stars Navigation Tech Ltd.
Designs, develops, and manufactures wireless GPS products for navigation and tracking.
- Stellar Navigation Systems Inc.
Developers of GPS software products.
- Steve Lieber & Associates, Inc.
Sales, leasing, and training in DGPS navigation systems. Featuring NovAtel GPS receivers, Starlink beacon receivers, and Pacific Crest data radios.
- Steward Cable Inc.
Manufacturers of replacement GPS cables.
- ST Microelectronics
Manufacturers of GPS chipsets.
- Strata Software & Consultancy Ltd.
Developers of the Penmap tablet PC GPS surveying system.
- Stratos Global Corporation

Providers of mobile and fixed remote communications solutions including GPS-based vessel tracking systems.
- SumedaTech
Manufacturers of GPS-based training and outdoor activity products.
- Sungate
Agent for the BART cellular GPS system.
- Sunninghill Systems
Developers of GPSS, Global Positioning System Software, for car naivigation.
- Surveylab Ltd.
Developers of ikeGPS, a handheld GPS data collector, integrating sub-metre GPS positioning with a laser rangefinder, a 3D compass, and a digital camera.
- Swagur Enterprises
Manufacturers of low noise amplifiers.
- SXblue GPS
Manufacturers of DGPS receivers; a division of GENEQ Inc.
- Synergy Microwave Corp.
Designers and manufacturers of microwave signal-processing components.
- Synergy Systems, LLC
Distributors of Motorola Oncore GPS boards and components.
- Synometrix
Designer and integrator of GPS-based AVL tracking systems.
- Taiwan Falcon Aerospace Corp.
Manufacturers of GPS and GLONASS receiver modules, handheld receivers, and automatic vehicle location systems.
- TAL Technologies, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS receiver interface software.
- Talon Research & Development Company Ltd. (Talon Technology)
Designers and manufacturers of GPS receivers and other marine electronic products.
- Taoglas Ltd.
Developers, manufacturers, and distributors of GPS antennas, receivers, and receiver modules.
- Tallysman Wireless Inc.

Developers and manufacturers of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) products and GPS fleet management solutions.
- Technocom Corporation
Suppliers of E911, E112 and Location Based Services solutions for wireless location networks.
- Tekron International Ltd.
Providers of GPS-based time synchronisation solutions.
- Tele Atlas
Providers of digital maps for a variety of navigation products and enterprise and consumer solutions.
- Telemetry Solutions
Developers of GPS-based animal tracking systems.
- Tele Quarz Group
Manufacturers of quartz crystals, quartz crystal oscillators and quartz crystal filters for GPS receivers and other electronic devices.
- TeleType Company
Manufacturers of GPS receivers and developers of GPS-based vehicle navigation and tracking systems and moving map GPS software for Windows CE.
- Televilt (TVP Positioning AB)
Developers of GPS-based animal tracking systems.
- Telonics Inc.
Developers of GPS-based animal tracking systems.
- Telson Communications Inc.
Magellan GPS equipment distributor and publishers of the first GPS trail guide.
- Tempus Microsystems Inc.

Developers of an asset tracking and management system for the trucking industry.
- Tendler Cellular
Developers of FoneFinder GPS-integrated cellular telephone technology.
- Terradox Corporation
Developers of GPS-based guidance and navigation equipment for agriculture, airports, and roadside maintenance.
- Terramatic Technology Inc.

Designers and marketers of GPS positioning and navigation systems.
- TerraPro GPS Surveys Ltd.

Sales and rental of GPS receivers and suppliers of DGPS data for British Columbia and parts of Alberta.
- TerrisGPS

Providers of high-end leading-edge GPS equipment to public and private organizations across North America (USA, Mexico, and Canada).
- Thales Avionics
Manufacturers of GPS receivers for aviation use.
- Thales Navigation
Manufacturers of GPS/GLONASS receivers.
- Thales Navigation
Manufacturers of GPS/GLONASS receivers.
- The Bass Bin
Birmingham, U.K., based distributors of vehicle navigation systems.
- ThinkGeo
Developers of GPS-based mobile asset tracking systems.
- 3S Navigation
Manufacturers of GLONASS/GPS receivers.
- TimeTools
Providers of GPS computer and network timing solutions.
- Toma Track
Distributors of GPS tracking equipment for wildlife.
- Topcon America Corp.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Tracking Solutions Corp.

Sales and rental of GPS-based tracking systems.
- Track Star International, Inc.
Manufacturer and supplier of GPS-based AVL systems.
Manufacturer of GPS tracking devices for law enforcement agencies and private investigators.
Suppliers of GPS-based vehicle tracking services.
- Transas Marine (U.K.) Ltd.
Developers of electronic chart systems and other navigation products for marine and aviation use.
- TransiTiva LLC
Providers of high-end leading-edge GPS equipment to public and private organizations across southwestern U.S.A.
- TravRoute Software
Suppliers of GPS navigation software and hardware to consumers, business professionals, and automotive manufacturers.
- Trilithic, Inc.
- Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Manufacturers of GPS receivers.
- Tri-M Systems Inc.

Canadian supplier of Trimble OEM receivers and other products for embedded systems.
- TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.
Designers, developers, manufacturers, and marketers of a broad range of GaAs digital, analog, and mixed signal integrated circuits.
- Tristani Management and Engineering Company
- TrueTime, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS-based time and frequency products.
- TT Designs
Developers of computer systems for marine navigation including GPS NMEA interfacing.
- TurboNET Communications Engineering
GIS/GPS/Mapping Services.
- Tyco Electronics Corporation
Manufacturer and supplier of smart positioning products: GPS modules, controllers, and telematics platforms.
- u-blox AG
Manufacturer of GPS receiver frontend and baseband chips and receiver modules, plus GSM and UMTS modules.
- Universal Tracking Canada

Providers of GPS-based tracking and fleet-management services.
- University Technologies International, Inc.

Manufacturer and distributor of ground penetrating radar systems and associated GPS and GIS mapping software.
- Valence Semiconductor
Manufacturer of GPS chips.
- Veracity Wireless, Inc.
Providers of the FieldTechnologies line of GPS tracking solutions for commercial vehicles, heavy equipment, and cellular phones.
- Veridan Engineering
Developers of GPS modelling and simulation tools and GPS monitoring equipment.
- ViaSat Géo-Technologie Inc.

Providers of geomatics consulting services and developers of GPS/GIS products for the geomatics industry.
- Veripos
Providers of high-frequency and satellite-delivered DGPS services.
- Vexcel
Motorola division providing location and services software for mobile phones.
- ViewPoint Systems, Inc.
Designers and manufacturers of rugged displays for the military, defense contracting industry, and airborne law enforcement community, including their use with GPS equipment.
- Vortex Géo-Position

Providers of AGPS for Bell Mobility and GPS-based vehicle tracking and fleet management systems and services.
- V-Sol Ltd.
Providers of a live GSM- and GPS-based vehicle tracking, location, and communication system in the U.K. and continental Europe.
- Waypoint Consulting Inc.
Developers of GPS high-precision software for real-time and post-processing applications.
- W Clark & Associates, Ltd. (now Masterclock, Inc.)
Manufacturers of GPS-driven time code generators and other time synchronisation products.
- Webraska Mobile Technologies SA
Webraska is a worldwide provider of wireless navigation, spatial searching, mapping and traffic information services and technologies for telecom operators, car manufacturers, and application developers.
- WebTech Wireless

Providers of location services for wireless carriers, trucking fleets, and private vehicle owners.
- Welnavigate, Inc.
Manufacturers of GPS signal simulators.
- Wenoweur

Developers of wearable GPS logging systems and biosensors.
- Western Latitudes
Develops, bundles, and distributes leading edge GPS solutions for a variety of fields including geodesy, surveying, mapping, geographic information systems, navigation, cartography, remote sensing, photogrammetry, agriculture, and construction.
- West Marine
Suppliers of GPS receivers and auxiliary equipment.
- Wingra Data Systems
Providers of custom field computing solutions for harsh-environment computing, hands-on GPS seminars, and CMT ruggedised GPS receivers.
- Wireless Planet
Suppliers of GPS/GSM-based vehicle location systems.
- WireTrak Inc.
Designers, developers, and integrators of mobile computing and automatic vehicle location systems.
- Wonde Proud Technology Co., Ltd.
Suppliers of GPS receivers, modules, and in-car navigation system boards based on NemeriX GPS chip sets.
- World Time Solutions Ltd.
Designers and manufacturers of timing equipment, including GPS receiver systems.
- Worldwide Notification Systems, Inc.
System integrators of GPS and GIS information serving the transportation, public safety, and aviation communities.
Designers and manufacturers of GPS chip set.
- XS Technologies Inc.
Developers of GPS-based vehicle and asset tracking systems.
- YIC (Yuechung Internal Corp.)
Manufacturers of GPS, antenna, and frequency-control products.
- Zyfer, Inc.
Designers, developers, and manufacturers of GPS-based precision time/frequency generation and synchronization products for civil and military use.